Less impressive the two readers who answered SBY. My cheif suspects either work with me or are related to me; neither of which is especially reassuring!
New quiz to follow soon.
Lots of interesting VAT thoughts and ideas. From eBooks to vouchers and pasties... This was originally a blog about my time in Jakarta, now it's all about the cutting edge of tax - VAT. Follow me @psanderson78
Having received an official invitation, with my name written on it and from a person I actually know, I was especially keen to attend the wedding of Andreas and Devi in nearby Bogor. A swift train journey from Kota Station on Saturday morning brought us to the small but busy city of Bogor, famous for its botanical gardens, near daily rainfall and good food.
Almost before I could take in my surroundings my companions leapt though the miniature door of a passing vehicle and so began my first confrontation with the Angkot, the small bus-like form of public transportation that is pretty much the only way to get round Bogor. Your average Angkot is a fraction larger than a Volvo estate and waits at set points round the city. Once filled to bursting point it will hurtle off in a presumably designated direction dropping people off on request for a 13p fare. I squished my way through an opening about a third the size of my body and joined the fourteen other people sharing the tiny space.
Fortunately the journey was short, and after a quick meal of pork related dishes we reached the church for a mixed catholic / protestant ceremony. Having survived the thirty minute sermon, which judging by the reaction of the congregation was not a great deal more interesting if you could speak Indonesian, I was a little disappointed by the post vows kiss: once on the forehead and once on each cheek. Indonesian’s are famously reserved with public affection between couples; but from the look on the bride’s face, he definitely left her wanting more.
The reception involved a feast of different dishes and numerous photos. Then back to Jakarta to unwind English style watching Birmingham v Sunderland with a beer.
Sunday was relaxed and a suitably Indonesian day of badminton and karaoke.
Everyday is a small step. But thankfully I am now healthy, rested and cheerful.