28 Sept 2009

Settling in step by step

Every day sees an improvement as I gradually settle in to life in Indonesia; be it my first successful laundry collection on Saturday, a new DVD player, or moving the bed to the back room (I can now sleep much better). I think by the time I leave I will having everything sorted perfectly.

One improvement for this week is that everyone should now be able to write comments on the blog. If you've tried previously please give it another go!

The "Bus Way" is one of the few public transport systems in Jakarta that seems to function efficiently and comfortably, and is my preferred choice of transport to work. It operates much like a tram with it's own lane, nicely separated from the other eight lanes of hellish traffic, and runs me smoothly to the stop outside my office for 25p.

I am still in search of someone to polish a shoe and also somewhere where I can get a shave (a new found hobby of mine). In attempting to explain what a barbers I used the words "like a salon for men". Apparently this is something entirely different.

1 comment:

  1. I am most impressed by how quickly and well you are settling in. It is not easy to move to a country with such a different culture.

    I hugely enjoy your reports about your life in The Far East. Tell us more!

