4 Nov 2009

Indonesian Contrasts

As I spend more time in Indonesia, it's interesting to notice some contrasts and differences from things back home. I thought I'd share a few with you...

  1. Fifteen minute taxi to work costs less than a Starbucks coffee on the way in
  2. Marks & Spencer is a luxury fashion brand
  3. Locals often put more chili sauce on western food than they do on Indonesian food
  4. It is normal for a twenty-five year old to live with their parents and for ten year old to ride a motorbike
  5. There are traffic police everywhere but the roads are complete chaos
  6. Avocado & chocolate is “delicious”, avocado & bacon is “weird”
  7. One jar of imported pasta sauce costs more than lunch for three at local food hall


  1. Most interesting cultural differences.

    I wish the taxi fares in London were the same as in Jakarta!

    M x

  2. But M&S IS luxury!
